Caroline Lahti: Florist and owner of Florabrook NY



Caroline Lahti is a florist and owner of Florabrook NY based in NY.


What do you do?

I own a floral design company. We do live flower events, and e-commerce for dried flower bouquets.

Where do you find inspiration?

I really love seeing everything come together. Despite what most may think, flower studios are chaotic messy spaces with water and boxes and leaves on the floor, and the work is very physically draining. Event days start so early and we are always running on coffee and adrenaline. Then you arrive at the event in some gorgeous venue, it’s usually people all dressed up and every little detail is perfect. The flowers are usually the finishing touch and the moment they’re placed among all the other event decor, it’s such a satisfying feeling. I wait for that feeling all day while working.

Favorite project you’ve worked on?

Big little lies premiere. It’s one of the biggest projects I’ve worked on with multiple installs and arrangements throughout. It took so much coordinating and planning and the day after I was the maid of honor at my brother’s wedding and had to give a speech which terrified me. It was probably the most stressful few days of my life, but when it was all done I was so proud.

What are your favorite flower shops or vendors?

I know the 28th st flower district like the back of my hand - where each vendor keep each type of flower, who is nice, who is grumpy, etc etc. I really go to every wholesaler on the block since they all have very different offerings and I love each of them for what they have. Some have great prices, some have great quality, some have great music to shop to. I also have a wonderful upstate vendor who is my top secret. :)

What’s your favorite flower?

This has changed in the last few years. It used to be the king protea which is huge and bright and cool. But as I’ve aged I’ve become slightly more basic and love a good ranunculus. They just have endless delicate petals and I can stare at them forever.

What’s on your summer playlist?

There’s something about reggae that makes me feel like I’m on vacation. 

How do you break out of a creative funk?

Luckily my clients normally have opinions about what they want, so I’m always referring to what they want which helps me to choose flowers and design them. But if I’m feeling burnt out I have gotten better about delegating work and taking a good old fashion break. :)

Favorite form of self care?

I have an 8 month old baby so I have very little self care these days, but something I’ve become okay with is turning jobs down and protecting my time. For years I wanted to grow my business so bad I would accommodate any request and demand, where now if I want to have more time for my family or prioritize something outside of work, I do that. I’ve made a pact with myself to not over do it and stress myself out. Life is too short.

What’s some creative advice you live by?

There is no right way. Whenever I teach floral classes I stress this because I’m telling them how I like to arrange flowers but it’s art and art is subjective and it’s not the ONLY or RIGHT way. All the rules I learned working in traditional florists over the years I don’t do. There are also so many styles of floristry and to me all are honestly beautiful. If a client wants elegant, funky, classic etc I’m happy to create what suits them and different styles fit different locations/events.

Who would your dream creative collaboration include?

I’d love to collab with a tropical resort. They fly me there to make arrangements out of their local flowers which I could forage myself while I’m there. Any resort really. :)

What is your favorite creative outlet for personal enjoyment?

Between being a mom (and dog mom), I don’t have a lot of time for personal enjoyment sadly, but I do think I am lucky that I can genuinely say I love what I do, and most of the time when I’m arranging flowers it is also my creative outlet.

An artist or creative that is really inspiring you right now?

It’s no one specific, but on my explore page on IG (obviously full of floral spam) I always see these really minimalistic florists who block flowers together in really interesting geometric ways. I think naturally my arrangements come out on the more wild side, and I’m inspired by this other way of styling. I’m actually going in this direction for my wedding next month and excited to explore it.

You recently moved upstate- do you miss city life?

I do miss the city. I’m there I’d say at least once a week for work and because my husband’s family lives there and everytime I’m there I don’t want to leave. I left on a whim during covid and still have this feeling that I’m going back. I miss seeing multiple friends in a day and walking everywhere and being around people getting shit done. I even miss the no nonsense attitude of everyone because I’m the no nonsense type. That being said, I love having a car now and being outside all the time and seeing my dog run in a big open field, the list goes on. Upstate is also great. I think you can love one thing but still miss another.

What is something you are excited about in 2022?

I’m excited to watch my daughter grow - mainly to see her walk and what she’ll look like with teeth and hair, haha. We’re also hoping to move into a larger house since we’ve outgrown the current one, fingers crossed.


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